Financial Year |
Quarter | Amount Lying Unclaimed (in INR) |
Category (Interest/ Dividend/ Repayment of Capital/ any other) |
No. of Unitholders |
Date when amount became due (dd/mm/yy) |
Date when Unclaimed amount was transferred to the Unpaid Distribution account |
Date when the amount is to be transferred to Interest IPEF (dd/mm/yy) |
Interest (Net of TDS) |
Other Income |
Any other |
2023-24 | Q4 (FY24) |
1,30,110 | 1,23,660 | 3,600 | 2,850 | 1 | 10-06-2024 | 23-08-2024 | – |
2024-25 | Q1 (FY25) |
3,25,160 | 322,560 | 2,600 | – | 1 | 26-08-2024 | 28-08-2024 | – |
2024-25 | Q2 (FY25) | 3,29,680 | 3,25,080 | 4,600 | – | 1 | 26-11-2024 | 26-11-2024 | |
TOTAL | 7,84,950 | 7,71,300 | 10,800 | 2,850 | – | – | – | – |
Name and designation of Nodal Officer
Ms. Gunjan Singh, Company Secretary
Email ID /
Contact Detail
Cumulative details of claims received/pending
Number of Claims received | Number of Claims Processed | Number of Claims pending |
0 | 0 | 0 |